Wed 2/15 Depart US around 4PM
Thur Arrive Nairobi at 7:10 PM—to hotel
Fri Day in Nairobi, meeting with staff at New Life Home, preparing for Open Day. Afternoon at Kazuri Beads, and evening with children at the Ark.
Sat Open Day at New Life Home Nairobi. Dinner with Clive and Mary at the Italian Restaurant.
Sun Worship service in Nairobi; Masaii Market at Yaya Center, then drive across the Great Rift Valley to Nakuru. (Think Out of Africa and flamingos). Visit with children at the Bethel Home in the evening.
Mon Drive to Nyeri in the afternoon. Dinner with Gabriel and Monica, the directors, at their home
Tues Return to Nairobi.
Wed Day in Nairobi
Thur Early flight to Kisumu. Meetings with Prisca, the Matron of the Home, about possibilities for internship placements. Meetings and possible field visit with NLHT social work department. Dinner on Lake Victoria with Ondeches.
Fri Day in Kisumu following up with meetings with staff and leadership. Evening flight to Nairobi
Sat 2/25 Day in Nairobi for final meetings and follow up. Depart late afternoon for US.
Looks like it's going to be a great trip, John!